Your system need to be shut down each Winter
Shut off the water supply to the irrigation system. The main shut off valve for your irrigation system needs to be protected against freezing. Make sure it is wrapped with insulation (foam insulation tape and a plastic bag) to protect it from harsh winter temperatures and prevent it from freezing. We Shut down" the controller (timer) and address Controller Wires, Valve, Pipe , draining Valeprotection and Backflow Preventer Steps

When spring arrives and freezing temperatures cease, it's time to turn on irrigation systems and start watering again. However, when you do so, you should take a few very important steps to make sure you do not damage pipes or irrigation components. Water Vale Settings, Controllers, System Check and Diagnostics, Zone Performance checks, reprograming if required and system cleaning.

Annual Certification Inspections of your BACK FLOW  Valve will qualify you for
Lower water fees used by your irrigation system. give us a cal land we will be happy to assist you with this.

757-565-3648 | 320 Ewell Rd, Williamsburg, VA 23188 | e-mail

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